GRATEFUL @ Three Years

GRATEFUL. It’s the word cut out of an unassuming semi-rusted piece of metal perched on our fireplace mantle. GRATEFUL is also the reason for this post. Today marks the Three-Year Anniversary of D’Amato Law; and, frankly, I did not feel much in the celebratory mode. The world is challenged by an awful pandemic. Businesses large and small are managing new challenges. We are adapting to stay at home orders, work from home practices and, for many, homeschooling. People are out of work, hungry and sick. We are being kept at a distance from family, friends and colleagues. Really, not the time, place or occasion to celebrate, I thought. But then I woke up, as I do many mornings, to an upbeat text from Gina Taber, our Rockstar paralegal and office manager. This one to the whole team celebrating and being a cheerleader for our firm’s accomplishment, in a fun and silly bitmoji like only she can do.  I thought, if we do not celebrate, what we are saying? What am I saying as the firm’s leader? This pandemic will not last, but our actions during this time will shape our futures to come. What I need to say is that I am GRATEFUL for Gina, and Colleen Kelley and Tom Peraic for all your contributions to our accomplishments, those in days past and for those I am confident will come in the future. I am GRATEFUL for Crystal D’Amato, my wife, business partner, friend and, now more than ever, head teacher. I am GRATEFUL for our clients, without whom we would have little purpose. I am GRATEFUL for our colleagues, friends, vendors and advisors, without whom we could not do what we do. It is amazing what and who it takes to run a small business, from our finance and accounting team, bankers, insurance and investment advisors, to consultants and attorneys. I cannot mention everyone, but know I am GRATEFUL for you all. I am GRATEFUL that our firm is close to home, is strong in character and while always aiming to be nimble and flexible, is more resilient than ever as we temporarily operate mostly virtually.  At D’Amato Law today, because of our people and mission, we will be raising a glass together, over Zoom of course, to celebrate. I invite you to find something worthy of celebrating, something for which you are GRATEFUL.